Documents presented to the World Symposium for the study into the stock fluctuation of northern bluefin tunas (Thunnus thynnus and Thunnus orientalis ) including historic periods

NOTE: This site contains documents presented to the World Symposium for the study into the stock fluctuation of northern bluefin tunas (Thunnus thynnus and Thunnus orientalis ) including historic periods. The content of each paper is the responsibility of the author(s). Many of these papers deal with on-going research and their conclusions are therefore not yet definitive. In order to ascertain the validity of the data and the conclusions contained in the papers, users are requested to contact the authors. Papers cannot be cited without prior authorization of the authors.


Number Authors Title Session
BFT_SYMP/010 Anonymous Report of the 2008 Meeting of the World symposium for the study into stock fluctuation of northern bluefin tunas (Thunnus thynnus and Thunnus orientalis) including the historic periods (Santander, Spain, April 22 to 24, 2008)  
BFT_SYMP/015 Fonteneau, A. Atlantic bluefin tuna: An overview of 100 centuries of moving fisheries Session 1
BFT_SYMP/016 Fonteneau, A. and A. Le Person Bluefin fishing in Lannion Bay, northern Brittany, during the 1946 - 1953 period
BFT_SYMP/017 Tangen, M., Ø. Tangen and L. Nøttestad The Norwegian bluefin tuna fishery for the period 1920-1986 Session 2
BFT_SYMP/018 Nøttestad, L., Ø. Tangen and S. Sundby Possible mechanisms and explanations for the drastic decline and disappearance of atlantic bluefin tuna in the Norwegian fisheries since the early 1960s: what went wrong and what can we do?
BFT_SYMP/019 MacKenzie, B. R.  and R. A. Myers The development of the northern European fishery for north atlantic bluefin tuna Thunnus thynnus during 1900-1950
BFT_SYMP/020 MacKenzie, B. R.  and R. A. Myers Ecological and fishing influences on presence of bluefin tuna in northern European waters
BFT_SYMP/021 Cort, J.L. The bluefin tuna (thunnus thynnus) fishery in the Bay of Biscay Session 3
BFT_SYMP/022 Cort, J.L. and E. Rodríguez-Marín The bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) fishery in the Bay of Biscay. evolution of 5+ group since 1970
BFT_SYMP/023 Cort, J.L.; P. Abaunza and G. De Metrio Analysis of the northeast Atlantic juvenile bluefin tuna (thunnus thynnus) population between 1949 and 1960
BFT_SYMP/024  Rodríguez-Marín, E., J. M. Ortíz de Urbina, E. Alot, J. L. Cort, J. M. de la Serna, D. Macias, C. Rodríguez-Cabello, M. Ruiz and  X. Valeiras Following bluefin tuna cohorts from east Atlantic Spanish fisheries since 1980s
BFT_SYMP/025 Fromentin, J.M. Back to the future: investigating historical data of bluefin tuna fisheries. Session 4
BFT_SYMP/026 Abid, N. and M. Idrissi Analysis of the Moroccan trap fishery targeting bluefin tuna(Thunnus thynnus) during the period 1986-2006
BFT_SYMP/027 Bridges, C.R., O. Krohn, M. Deflorio and G. De Metrio Possible sst and NAO influences on the eastern bluefin tuna stock - the inexfish approach.
BFT_SYMP/028 Karakulak, F. S. and  I. K. Oray Remarks on the fluctuations of bluefin tuna catches in Turkish waters
BFT_SYMP/029 Vella, A. Bluefin tuna (thunnus thynnus) fisheries of the Maltese Islands in the central and southern Mediterranean Sea.
BFT_SYMP/030 Addis,P., I. Locci and A. Cau Anthropogenic impacts on the bluefin tuna (thunnus thynnus l.) trap fishery of sardinia (western Mediterranean) 
BFT_SYMP/031 Takeuchi, Y.,  K. Oshima and Z. Suzuki Inference on nature of Atlantic bluefin tuna off Brazil caught by Japanese longline fishery around the early 1960s Session 5
BFT_SYMP/032 Muto, F., Y. Takeuchi, K. Yokawa, S. Ochi and M. Tabuchi Pacific bluefin tuna fisheries in Japan and adjacent areas before the mid-20th century Session 6
BFT_SYMP/033 Miyabe, N. Overview of the Pacific bluefin tuna fisheries
BFT_SYMP/034 Masuma, S. Biological information from Pacific northern bluefin tuna in captivity
BFT_SYMP/035 Aires-da-Silva, A., G. Compean and M. Dreyfus An historical overview of the bluefin fishery in the eastern Pacific ocean
BFT_SYMP/036 Polacheck, T. Changes in abundance and spatial distribution of southern bluefin tuna Session 7
BFT_SYMP/037 Polacheck, T.   Session 7



Last posting: April 24, 2008